Modern Job Search

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Is Automation Hurting Recruiting and Hiring?

How does corporate HR technology, outsourcing and process automation impact your strategy as a job seeker? I’m a contrarian on this subject – particularly in regard to the types of positions I work on for my very large manufacturing and [...]

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Everyday Career Advice: Using Numbers to Manage Job Search Stress

It’s Monday and I’m supposed to have written and published a blog post already (or more than one – and have them queued up to publish) but I’m still working on it.  I procrastinated through my coffee this morning.  I [...]

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Quora: In job interviews, recruiters always ask your current pay. Should I be honest about it? Or is it okay to lie?

Quora Question: In job interviews, recruiters always ask your current pay. Should I be honest about it? Or is it okay to lie? ************* Answer: As a recruiter, part of my job is ensuring that it is possible for my [...]

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Chasing Cars – What do you do when you catch one?

This started on LinkedIn as a simple post about the fact that Indeed is a great source for finding jobs but it’s also a pretty crowded space.  Everyone’s using Indeed to find jobs and apply to them, often as many as they can. [...]

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Empathy and Understanding Resistance

A few years ago I received an eight page resume. Let me explain, I’m an executive recruiter. I see a lot of resumes. The only thing that made this one unusual was the fact that it was eight pages long. [...]

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Quora: What career path should a college student take to become a recruiter?

Quora Question:  What career path should a college student take to become a recruiter? To become a recruiter in the technology industry, what path should a college student take when leaving college? What skills are important, and what sort of [...]

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Everyday Career Advice: Find the Right Recruiter and Make Friends

Over the years I’ve read a lot of articles about both how to get a recruiter’s attention and how it is no fun to be ignored by recruiters.  Most of the articles give some tips and tricks to get attention [...]

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The Truth About Resumes

Here’s the truth about resumes – there’s nothing in the world you can do to make me read your resume if your experience isn’t what I need right now.  It is frustrating to see so many articles about how to [...]

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On Candidate Marketing: Lunch with Mike

I haven’t always been a recruiter.  A couple of posts ago I wrote about my first jobs out of college, a short stint as a distribution manager at the local paper and a longer term selling insurance in rural Georgia. [...]

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“What Kind of Salary are you Seeking?”

“How much money are you looking for?” or “What kind of salary are you seeking?” If not the most dreaded question during an interview, this one, no matter how it is phrased has to be in the top three.  And [...]

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