Modern Job Search

Quartz: The Complete Guide to Networking for Introverts

Something a lot of us have to deal with... Me too!

Quartz: The Complete Guide to Networking for Introverts

By In Blog On November 13, 2014

I get a lot of email newsletters and follow a lot of career related topics – in between working all the time.  I don’t get a chance to read most of it, and even when I do it seems I rarely have time to say anything about it or re-post it.  Anyways, I liked this article and I have a minute to re-post it  here (and on Tumblr).

Why did I like it?  While I wouldn’t call it “complete,” author, Max Nisen, does a nice job of highlighting some key points and his suggestions not only echo many of my own but also resonate with me personally.  For a lot of people, networking is an unnatural activity – sometimes myself included.  Anyways, read, consider, act:  The Complete Guide to Networking for Introverts

Quartz-introverts networking 2


Kurt Schmidt is the author of “Modern Job Search” and the President and Owner of Capto Systems, an executive search firm focused on supply chain and strategic sourcing jobs in manufacturing and energy. He’s also an aspiring photographer and traveler.  If you’re really looking for a job, you need this book! 




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